I'm starting to enjoy exercise. I've been doing a few different classes at the gym, and even though they kill me, I'm loving it. Sweaty, puffed, sore, exhausted. It's great.
I have been doing Pump, and then I did Combat and Attack the last few days. With a day off in between for recovery. I will start doing cardio or something lighter on the in between days when I'm a bit more adjusted.
Combat is so fun. I love punching and kicking. It's non-contact, which is a good starting point. But when I'm fitter and leaner I think I would love to take it further. Maybe I have anger/violence issues, but I do love it, and at least it's a constructive outlet.
Attack is just what it says. Jeebus. Running, jumping, squats, lunges, push ups, planks, some more running and jumping. I've done it before, years ago when a friend used to instruct the class in Palmy. But I had forgotten just how hard it is. Will definitely do it again though - although at a less busy time of day. There wasn't a lot of room to move yesterday. I almost didn't go at all because I was still sore from Sunday's class, but my cousin posted on FB that he had gone despite being sick and sunburned and I realised I should toughen up and stop making excuses. Now, if I can just do that with food as well...
I have also been watching and reading things with better female role models. The 'In Death' series by JD Robb - the main character is a cop and she is strong and tough and takes no shit. And then I have started re-watching the whole series of Buffy (thanks to a friend lending me the discs). It's funny how bad the early seasons are, but she does certainly kick arse. Any other recommendations of things to watch/read with similar characters would be very much appreciated :)
Lisbet Salander from the girl with the dragon tattoo kicks ass (books or movies), and strongly anti-menwhohatewomen and beingavictim - which is a nice and empowering perspective for you.
ReplyDeleteClarice Starling from Silence of the lambs.
Terry Prachetts women are great, particularly the witches - nice to have something funny whilst also thought provoking.
Anything with Joss Whedon involved.
Yeah Joss Whedon does seem to be good at having awesome women. I need to re-watch the whole Firefly (should really just buy it) (Also, you should watch Suits - because the guys are hot and awesome and because Gina Torres is in it and she is amazing). I keep meaning to watch Dollhouse too...
DeleteI love Daria :)
Ooh, want some company for watching Dollhouse? Season 1, at least - I didn't love season 2.
DeleteLOL, I love Daria but I'm not sure she's the healthiest all-round role model - eats the S.A.D., is anti-exercise. Wears the same clothes all the time. ;P
Have you tried watching Lost Girl? Bo and Kenzie are both effing awesome and BAMF. I can give you a few eps to try if you like.
If we can ever work our schedule out, then yes :)
DeleteNo I havent watched any Lost Girl. I can abuse Dads bandwidth a little this weekend so can download a few :)
Also, the food thing... I have only two pieces of advice that have worked for me (and you have seen me so you know they aren't perfect).
ReplyDeleteAdvice 1 - find healthy (preferably easy) alternatives to the really unhealthy stuff you think you can't live without. Replace potato chips with rice crackers etc.
Advice 2 - tell yourself, over and over again that you don't like fast food. tell yourself it gives you stomach cramps and upset bowels and crappy skin and headaches. and don't just try and tell yourself that when you are on your way there, tell yourself every time you think of it, every time you smell it. When the thought of it makes you sick, then you wont want it any more. Because I assure you that if you don't eat it for a few months for any reason, your body really will reject it, and it WILL make you sick, the only reason you can eat it now is because your body has a tolerance to it.
Semi advice 3 - pre-cook some meals, have them to re-heat in the fridge or freezer, and then when you feel like getting fast food, say "Oh, but I have X in the freezer I have to eat". Again, if you can stop eating fast food for any reason, pretty soon you wont want it permanently.
If you work out a way to kick chocolate, let me know! :)
1. Its mostly hot chips and greasy food, more than potato chips (which I do love but they are wearing off). I just need more healthy fats I think to satisfy that craving - like avocados and coconut oil, so that I dont feel like Im totally missing out. Plus those things are good for me so win/win
Delete2. Yeah to be fair, it does make me feel sick half the time anyway. It's ridiculous. But good thinking - I shall give this some practice
3. Yeah I want to have vegies already chopped and some cooked chicken or something already in the fridge ready to throw together so that Ive got stuff already prepared :)
I watched that food truck thing, he made healthy hot chips and some out of like cucumbers or something? Google!! :) Also if you want chips McCains Healthy Choice Straight Cuts are healthy if you can bring yourself to make them at home, and not cover them in sauce and oil...