Tuesday, April 30, 2013

To get up and walk away would be too easy

At the beginning of this year, I set myself a vague goal of being in the 80s by the time I turned 30.
As each month has passed and I have drifted further from this goal, it reduced to 'being in the early 90s' to now 'just being in the 90s'.

Now that it is just 5 1/2 weeks, I realise that I weigh 5kgs more than I did at the start of this year when I was making that goal. I made a goal, but not a plan. And in the true definition of insanity, I have expected a different outcome from essentially carrying out the same actions.

While I have tried cooking more and eating real food, I have still been eating crap. As much as I have wanted to be more active and re-joined the gym, I have still spent a lot of time sitting around (more so, because for the first time in 3 years I have an inactive job as well).

I did a Whole30 last year in July, where for 30 days I had no sugar, grains, or processed food of any kind. With just that, and no extra exercise (although working in a vet clinic, and at the zoo once a week), I lost almost 5kgs in that month. So I know I CAN do this. And I know the benefits of doing it. A close friend of mine is doing it at the moment and absolutely hulk-smashing it.

So what is holding me back. I CAN do this.

May is going to be a month of prioritising myself and the things that I want. I WILL go to the gym at least every second day. I WILL set aside time to play (well, learn to play) the guitar at least every second day (I got it for Christmas and think I have only picked it up twice). I WILL turn off the computer at 10pm each day (at the absolute latest - 9pm will be even better and I will aim for this most days) and go to bed (it is acceptable to read for a while to fully wind down). I WILL take lunch to work each day. I WILL cut out the crap I have been eating and drinking. I do have a few events on during May which will involve some off-roading, but these can be isolated and do not have to run over into other days. I WILL stop spending money on frivolous things (mostly the aforementioned crap food) and put more effort into saving. I WILL put some effort into my hair and makeup each morning before work (it is ok to get to work half an hour later for the sake of feeling better about myself, considering I have a flexible start time). I will also blog a little every day, because I enjoy writing (even if it is technically typing) and it's a great way to reflect, and keep myself accountable as well.

I am committing to this for a month. This should will help me to set up better habits going forward, and make it easier to carry on. I shall set it up so that I can start my 30s with a bang and be the best person I can be.


  1. Very cool. I like this new change :)

  2. I havent stuck with it tho. Shitballs... But tomorrow is a new day
