Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Well I've got wisdom but I still don't got a clue

I made some big claims last week. Am I keeping them? Uh, not so much.

I've been to the gym twice. I've brought lunch to work twice. I've played the guitar zilch times. I've turned my computer off by 10pm a few times.

On the flip side - I was a bit sick last week, and I've had a wee bit of a life. I had a seminar at the zoo. I went to a couple of gigs. I spent a lot of time perving at sexy men at said gigs.

I'm struggling to get to the gym - despite how much I usually enjoy it. I'm not sure if Pump is just not as fun (and that's the class that's on at the most convenient times, and the one I feel like I SHOULD be going to in terms of how much I will get out of it).

Going to gigs both makes me want to pick up the guitar to learn it, and discourages me by making me think I will never be as good as the guys I saw playing on stage... I definitely do want to attempt it anyway :)

I knew I would spend the shows lusting after sexy men - at least one in particular. It did leave me feeling somewhat disheartened though. Mostly because, they are my type. Sexy musicians are probably most peoples' type to be fair, but there really is something about them. And these ones have beards and were a bit alternative, which was even more appealing. The disheartening think is the realisation that I am not their type. I guess even more so since they can have whatever girls they want. Personality wise, I could fit them really well. But appearances wise, they don't tend to look twice at me. Meh.

At times, I feel like I'm not any ones type. My best friend will point out that I've been people's types plenty of times before and they have been my type at some point. But in hindsight, only 2 of the guys I've been with, have been people I was actually initially attracted to. A couple of been people that I've been with because I was feeling lonely and had no better prospects. It's a bit sad really.....


  1. When Mark went to the nutritionalist, she said something to the effect of "sustainable changes", she talked about replacing bad things with good things, and making sure each change stuck before adding a bunch of new ones. If you try to change everything at once almost nothing sticks, it is stressful, and you can't always remember everything you were even trying to change in the first place.
    Moral of my story, have you considered that perhaps you are trying to make too many changes at once? You could make a consistent plan ie. going the gym on tues/thurs/sat/sun at time X (no excuses). And only fresh food (I don't know what your eating rules are but whatever). And then once you can maintain that for at least two weeks, add in another goal (and take it back out again if you slack off on the "more important" stuff). It isn't like your guitar is going to catch fire if you put it off for a few months, and forcing yourself to put aside time and achieve the hard goals first might motivate you.

    Also - http://download.cnet.com/Free-Alarm-Clock/3000-2350_4-75328290.html - try that to assist with your turning off computer thing.

    1. To be fair - I had such a fun weekend that I really am not beating myself up about it. And, hello, hot men are way more important anyways :)

      But you are right - I hate how you do that so often :p I think because I have tried everything before, it should just magically all work together.

      I tackle exercise because it is easier and more fun than the food thing, but I do have to prioritise.

    2. I have the benefit of objective distance, it's a lot easier to get perspective on someone else's problems!

      Yeah, priority one: hot guys. priorities after that: everything else! :p

    3. Although I guess getting myself happy and hot helps with proiritising hot guys to more than just eye candy.l...

    4. True, but on the flip side, perving is good for your health and happyness, and makes the self improvement easier (as long as you remember you are self improving rather than being depressed about it).
