Saturday, May 16, 2015

Bandaids don't fix bullet holes....

I'd been feeling like work was getting better. Although the last week has involved so many euths and sad cases, and it does definitely get hard.

Worst of all though is the bullying. I have never had an issue with any place I've worked before, but now I am about to have my second "performance" meeting in a few months, thanks to someone who keeps complaining about me. Since the first meeting (held in March, about "issues" from Christmas - so nice and timely), I have given 200% more so that no one has reason to have any such complaints. And yet just yesterday I received an email requesting another 'informal' meeting to discuss performance issues.

I don't feel like I do any less than anyone else regularly does - I make sure the patients are all looked after the best that they can be, as well as doing loads of cleaning, washing etc. I don't get it. I know the Christmas problems were primarily from one person, and were all pretty petty. She doesn't seem to hide the fact that she doesn't like me, or think I'm good enough as a nurse. Despite the fact that she is only in her early 20s and hasn't graduated that long ago.

I don't really know what to do. I don't love the job enough to put up with being driven to tears regularly by someone singling me out to bitch about me to my bosses. But at the same time, I don't want to let bullying drive me out of my job either.


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