Saturday, January 11, 2014

That's not as big as what's flown around here

So I've made it through the first week back at work for 2014. Phew. 1 down, about 51 more to go.....

Have had a pretty good week. Made it to the gym one day, and made it through the following couple of days of DOMS. Have been waking up at 6am each day and staying awake, resisting the snooze button. I've even gotten to work early each day!! Been for a few walks out at the beach too - the combination of fresh air, open space and the ocean is pretty amazing - good for my soul. Want to make that more regular if only for the feel-goods, even aside from the exercise factor.

Next week's goal is to get back on track with breakfasts and taking lunches to work, as I only managed both once this week. Routines can be hard to re-develop. And to get to bed earlier.

Trying to make the most of work and not hate it so much. It's not my dream job, it's not ideal, but it is a means to an end - polar bears and aurora borealis await me at the end of the year. I have enrolled in a couple of papers this year since staff members get free study. A creative writing paper, and two japanese language ones, since it has been some time and I have forgotten most of it and would like to pick it back up.

Embracing my single-dom and even enjoying it. It can be lonely, but I'm not currently prepared to put up with anyone else's shit - got enough of my own to deal with first, and I do not plan on being derailed on my way to the top....

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